dental lifestyle medicine

your mouth is the gateway to your body and your life

dental sleep medicine

Medical studies predict that sleep-disordered breathing difficulties will become the most prevalent cause of chronic disease in people by 2030. There are many signs and symptoms that dental professionals can detect and, when appropriate, we can arrange co-ordinated treatment with a team of sleep specialists.

Signs and symptoms include:

  • waking during the night
  • waking tired and falling asleep during the day
  • snoring
  • grinding or clenching of teeth (bruxism)
  • dark circles under the eyes
  • mouth breathing
  • behavioural and concentration problems, especially in children
  • enlarged tonsils and uvula (the dangly bit of flesh at the back of your throat)
  • and more...

We may provide oral appliance therapy if indicated. We regularly refer to sleep physicians and ENT surgeons for further investigation.

jaw joint problems OR temporo-mandibular dysfunction (TMD)

Mobility issues, funny joint sounds and pain from jaw joints are concerns we have a particular interest in treating at Annandale Village Dentistry. 

We offer a range of therapies tailored to your unique needs.

nutritional dentistry

The number 1 cause of oral health problems is diet: both the frequency and the types of food and drinks that are consumed over the course of a day.

We'll work with you to find healthier options that will increase your ability to maintain good oral health for the long term. 

Pregnancy and Oral Health

It's now understood that inflammation and infection in the mouth can reduce the ability to fall pregnant or maintain a pregnancy, and can contribute to pre-term birth.

If contemplating parenthood, we strongly recommend you attend to your dental health beforehand or as early as possible in the process.

oral-systemic medicine

Inflammation is the cause of all chronic diseases in the body. Inflammation in one part of the body can affect another part of the body, particularly if that part is already experiencing some inflammation or deterioration that comes with age, lifestyle or infection. There are strong links between oral disease and:

  • heart disease
  • diabetes
  • gut problems
  • autoimmune conditions including arthritis

Plus there are currently weaker links with many more conditions!

The mouth often shows inflammation early in disease, acting like a barometer of your overall health. We may refer you to your GP for further investigations if we see anything of concern in the course of our work with you. We have your best interests at heart.